FAHR 021.3
Portugal | Total Awards: 2 | Total Score: 7
FAHR 021.3 is a combination of people, perspectives, challenges, methodologies, arts and concepts which arise from the vision of two talented architects who believe that there is more to the art that they learned than meets the eye. They invested everything on the development of a new approach: communicative architecture. Surprising in shape, concept and content through a new perspective of communication is what this company promises its customers. Realizing that architecture is a branch of art and action in space, FAHR 021.3 develops its work based on the architectural language and methodology, while always incorporating seemingly implausible spaces and challenging materials. The result is provocative and unexpected and comes in a variety of forms, including installations, site-specific art, performances, and actions. The road paved has been nothing short of remarkable, but this Porto-based company assures that they will continue to impress.