NGM Turkey
Turkey | Total Awards: 1 | Total Score: 4
Filli Boya acts in line with a certain strategy and plan in all its communication works and carries out new projects and practices in new platforms by taking brave steps forward. With an effort to use all opportunities within the communication world, especially in digital media, as effectively and comprehensively as possible, Filli Boya supports a newly adopted project simultaneously with parallel practices on other platforms; it enables them to contact each other and creates interaction in between. Up until today, Filli Boya has carried out so many innovative practices that will simplify the lives of digital product users. Design Soul Digital Magazine continues to be the leader of the sector with its different applications; "Mimar Benim" ("I am the Architect") Application, Coloration Digital Catalogue, AlpinaSilan Digital Color Scheme and its current news. The main objective of Filli Boya in its professional communication works can be summarized as focusing on "being a brand which knows its consumers closely and has succeeded in becoming a living brand by help of this insight".