La agencia
Uruguay | Total Awards: 3 | Total Score: 12
WE ARE THINKERS. WE REFLECT ON HOW WE INHABIT SPACES; CREATING MEANINGFUL IDEAS IN A TIME THAT IS CONSTANTLY EVOLVING AND CHANGING IS A CHALLENGE THAT FASCINATES US. WE ARE MAKERS. WE HAVE CREATED A DESIGN AGENCY SPECIALIZING IN FURNITURE SYSTEMS THAT HAVE RECEIVED MULTIPLE AWARDS INTERNATIONALLY. Our work is based on conceptual production as a starting point, as a fundamental and inseparable benchmark of material production and inherent in the development process. We build a critical and global vision about the primary role that furniture performs as elements that articulate and structure spaces. We design places to meet and exchange, we make architecture through furniture. We operate as a team of versatile and curious professionals, we adapt to projects on the most varied of scales, working for brands that build contemporary living. We develop systems, we explore atmospheres, we add the environment to the relationship between the user and the object, we discover new possibilities. We are LA AGENCIA, design as an idea.