Osmose le bois sas
France | Total Awards: 2 | Total Score: 4
French young publishing house for wooden furniture and accessories, Osmose le bois develops in its workshop an offer of contemporary, design and functional craft objects of decoration and furniture, as well as a custom-made digital machining service. Osmose le bois comes within the scope of a craft design approach and designs then crafts pieces, unique or in small series, with wood as a common dominator. Taken advantage of this ‘integrated’ model, Osmose le bois imagines, develops and manufactures in the Workshop its range of objects, mainly opting for the solid wood, natural and renewable material, with local wood as bias. Associating advanced machining techniques and traditional know-how, Osmose le bois custom designs , thanks to his computer controlled cutting and milling machine (CNC router), the specific projects, unique or in small series : cutting, engraving, drilling and joining of wood, soft metal, composite and synthetic materials… Osmose le bois gives birth to creators projects and furniture and decoration professionals projects as well as individual project holders : rapid prototyping, small series, sheets of plywood machining, unique pieces...