Giusi Castaldo
Italy | Total Awards: 1 | Total Score: 2
Architect and Product Designer, she gets the Master’s Degree in Architecture and architectonic project at the Faculty of architecture “Federico II” in Naples in 2012. In the same year she’s a co-founder of Unisono Produzioni and occupies herself with scenography, location, management and increase in value of space aesthetic for the film project “La Strada di Raffael” by Alessandro Falco. She prepares another scenography “Ingranaggi in musica”, realized at the hamlet of Teverolaccio in Succivo, for the X edition of the Atellana Festival (2012). Since 2013 she has been designing, prototyping and realizing design objects with discarded materials, in particular wood, such as the lamps “Lulù” and “Zeno” and the tables “TQuadro”. These ones are sole pieces realized summing up materials from old carpenter’s shops and wood pieces of boats abandoned along italian coasts, giving life to what can be defined as “creative recycling”. Lulù, Zeno and TQuadro are exhibited at important international design fair as HOMI Fiera Milan Rho, DESIGN CIRCUS in Milan, BRERA Design District and PAN – Palace of Arts in Naples. Thanks to a stage won at the Order of Architects of Naples in 2015, she realizes projects of interior design, graphic and architecture at the Bloomint Design and Prompt Collective in Barcelona, Spain. Her last project is “Little Tu”, a table and applique lamp realized in wood and corian. It originates from the will to conjugate light and nature, life and artifice. A project where creativity becomes sustainable.