Metanat Karami
Iran | Total Awards: 1 | Total Score: 3
Metanat Karami born in Tehran,Iran. She intrested in art and design from her childhood and finaly she could started graphic design in college and after that she learned interior design at Jahad University of Tehran for 2 years. She received BS of Industrial Design from Art& Architecture faculty of Islamic Azad University in 2015 and started MA of Industrial Design at Alzahra University. She worked in different category of design such as packaging design,service design,product design,and also interior design. In her point of veiw design is what you like and enjoy of it. If designer like her work, user can have good emotional connection with that. aesthetic, ergonomic, form, function, usabality, accessibility, ... are the parameters of a good design and she always pay attention to them in her work.