Laszlo Nemeth
Hungary | Total Awards: 1 | Total Score: 5
I am a design generalist. I love all aspects of design. From typography to industrial design, from sketching, to the engineering, from the first brainstorming to the final delivery of a product such as packaging desinging and service design and the ecological consequences of our work, or user experience tests and measuring... so everything. I like people and I like critics. I always want to understand what is the secret of good design. I found that the best thing is the "bad critics", because it helps us. We must focus on it. People hold the answares to make something better. So I always focus everybody, and I am open mindened and trying to understand how people thingking about good or bad. Major achievements and perks? What makes you interesting? Our work and products are very important. We make small positive changes in the daily lives of several million people, that is the point. :) The effect of our work is important, and we think we make value for society and our environments.